Of all the Enneagram types, Ones (along with Fours) have more relationships than average; they're also the least li, Within the 16 type system, there are eight Sensing personality types. Shell pick up on it, and your relationship will suffer from then on. She doesnt care about money. They are also unique and quite rare. Shell start to share them with you when shes ready and believes she can trust you completely. Here are some careers that INFJ women tend to gravitate towards. Were also extremely passionate about what we do in life which is why it comes so easily for us to get focused on something that matters deeply to us to work hard at achieving our goals without giving up until the very end. But why is this article defaulting INFJs as hetero its kinda annoying to see heteronormativity everywhere. Along with being compassionate, INFJs have a strong emotional investment in making sure the people around them have everything they need. This is such great post, I wish it were higher up. INFJs are one of the most sought-after personality types on the Myers-Briggs scale, and anyone who knows one personally can understand why. You better just get used to it. Shes hard to resist because all her good qualities make her attractive. They often hold deep convictions and passions. They want it for everyone they meet, too. Spammers will be fried and served on toast. As a fellow INFJ and lesbian, its just kind of jarring seeing that first sentence being so blatantlyexclusive? I'm past that, and the micro-expressions of contempt are weird to get used to. I agree and feel what you said completely. There will always be people focused on your appearance but you will learn to tune them out. A major part of the INFJs attraction is that once you get past the intimidating exterior, the individual is often fascinating. Here are other career options worth considering. Given below are some of the attributes of INFJ female: Wholehearted but reserved Socially affectionate but needs time alone Take stand for their notion Sensitive but rational Giving but with limits Trust others but find it hard to trust themselves Why is the study of personality important? Men will often find INFJ women attractive because of their sensitivity and caring features. Still, the woman keeps trying. Attentiveness can also mean giving an INFJ your full attention, without distractions or interruptions. Even though they are loving people, they also have a flipside to their personalities. So when people zero in on what they think is attractive, it has almost no value to me. Attractive INFJ jobs include careers in teaching, social work and artistic professions. INFJs arent satisfied with giving themselves the best life possible. I enjoyed your Blog. Your email address will not be published. Those who take the time to get to know an INFJ woman will soon find that, despite their quietness, they have a rich inner life. If she finally meets a man with a compatible personality and finds him moderately attractive, the connection usually strengthens. INFJ women are suited for careers in many different areas. The fact that they are so perceptive, makes them great at giving sincere and helpful advice. I knew an INFJ woman who was the worst bitch I ever knew. I have an anxiety attack every time the ? I have never found anyone who gets me.. now I know why. I work with a lot of young cute college women that have the same complaint. I am an INFJ woman and still waiting for my twin soul to appear in my life but I doubt if he will live upto my expectations as people always disappoint me and misunderstand me. I only love the series where the heroes are irreprocheable. Hoping for the best. INFJ women are principled, caring, and passionate. They also want to express themselves freely. Here are some top traits of the INFJ female. Shes not the type to go through a series of arguments or pleas. I'm not saying to manipulate people, lead people on, or wrap people around your finger. This makes the medical line a very good career option for the INFJs. 5 Hobbies an INFJ Woman Would Probably Enjoy, 4 Mistaken Assumptions People Have About INFJ Women. But that's just leftover insecurity, and not what I believe in my heart to be true. Can you help me please? Another reason why INFJs are very appealing as a partner is that we want the best out of life in order to make this world better. Taylor Swift. INFJ women like to think deeply. I cringe when people tell her how beautiful she is, because I know there's a destructive path she could walk down. She is drawn to the opposite sex, but few of them turn out to be long-term partners because they're the wrong type. INFJs have multi-faceted personalities that often have contradictory elements. I think you would have similar feelings if it were the opposite. Some links on this site may be affiliate links. All of that passion and principle can make INFJ women strive for absolute perfection which can be a burden to both themselves and others. We are often told that we have a calming effect on others, and its not uncommon for people to tell us how much they love our eyes because of their depth. INFJ women are also caring and supportive. I am an INFP man and felt that INFJ woman will the hearts of INFPs. You have entered an incorrect email address! Andreia is an INFJ who used to think she was the only person in the world terrified of answering the phone. We love hard and we love fierce. Your email address will not be published. I got out of 5 speeding tickets. sigh. Shell appreciate this more than anything else he can do. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Emotional intelligence at its peak and being the rarest personality type in the world is often what dominates the headlines. While INFJs are very generous and willing to give, they also have boundaries. Not fitting into the norm is a big part of who the INFJ is, but that does not mean it doesnt come with struggles. Its no secret that were very selective about who we let into our worlds. People are shallow, but as you get older and have fewer social opportunities within your peer group you can start to focus on people with common interests who will be more concerned with what's going on in your mind than your body. I'm from Madagascar and I always felt I didn't belong anywhere and that nobody will ever understand my struggles. Use this time in your early adulthood to begin practicing the skills that geishas and socialite hostesses and so many people before you have perfected. I have read many other male INFJ posts that show them struggling with women and from the looks of it, it seems to stem from caring too much. I've always been confused on why I wasn't attracted to looks and beauty like everyone else I knew. Reading is thus a perfect hobby because it allows time for deep thought combined with peaceful solitude. 2022 Sarah Kuhn | INFJ Woman | All Rights Reserved |. For example, many INFJs are quiet but passionate. Writing is a career path that attracts many INFJ women. I am an INFJ as well and found someone whom it just makes sense and is so easy to be with and understand. When I read your entry, it sounded just like her. Often typed as enneagram 4, this MBTI type wants to be unique and independent more than anything else. I started tutoring low income children. Partners who are caring and sensitive to the feelings of others are usually attractive to men with an INFJ personality. Thanks for the reassurance it's not just me being weird. INFJ females are simply a joy to be around. Responding in kind isnt necessary, although she appreciates it. They simply dont do things because it is what they should do, but instead focus on what holds meaning to them personally. They might be tender and loving, but they have a very dark side as well. We are often told by others how much they love being around us even though it sometimes feels like a lot for them cant keep up with our thoughts or desired conversation topics. If you are dating an INFJ woman, this is one of their non-negotiables. I started modeling to earn money for college, and quickly got sucked into a scene of grotesque obsession with physical appearance and youth. People who are their true selves, and wear their hearts on their sleeves, make your INFJ more comfortable to open up and be vulnerable. They need people who can accept their unique ways, and who wont misjudge them during those times when they arent feeling like pure sunshine and love. You cant make a statement about one that you know,and apply it to all- that is asshole behavior as well. Yeah same here. Something that can often be a struggle for the INFJ female, is that they are both emotional and logical people. He understands me as much as anyone can, loves me unconditionally, respects my need for alone time while making me feel loved all of the time. Most INFJs would never guess or suspect that people find them attractive. Dont talk about cars, sporting events, politics, or money, unless one of these topics interests her particularly. Thank you so much for writing this blog, I love it ?! The fact that INFJs are attracted to honesty makes sense when you consider that most INFJs enter a relationship thinking of a long-term thing. We take time to look at a whole situation before we respond and use our intuition to see and feel things that others will miss. INFJs make incredible friends and companions, but they are often fearsome enemies. How do you know if you're a Sensor? I had been in a relationship (not physical) with an INFJ woman when I used to work in a PSU bank 5 years back, she used to be my colleague. This is raj,an INFJ. When that finally happensif it doesits up to the INFJ woman to respond and nourish the relationship. Please be courteous. INFP women hardly make the first move, which is my biggest problem half the time. The man must return her love, show his devotion, and make her feel treasured. All have failed family and friends. They want to tell their partners these strong opinions. It all makes sense now:), So happy to hear it resonated with you :). During these periods of time INFJs can appear distant and sometimes even cold. It's pretty weird being an attractive INFJ, because I was definitely an ugly duckling and noticed people suddenly treating me differently around age 23-24. . Thank you for sharing your experiences! They require a lot of time to themselves, which can sometimes be seen as selfish by those who do not understand them. The woman who has the patience and maturity to wait until the right man comes along is much more likely to find the match she seeks. INFJ women may be a rare personality type, but they certainly make the world a better place! Do you want to know how to cope with jealousy as an INTJ? Being empathic also involves trying to put yourself in someone elses shoes. 6 yr. ago. People didn't like me for my personality then and they still don't, so that didn't really pan out as a fall-back. Read on to learn more about the traits that make INFJs attractive and how these traits impact their personality. The problem is noise, because it makes it look like everyone wants intimacy with you when only some of them want the intimacy you are looking for more than sex. She would much prefer to spend time alone, often diving into the things that she is most passionate about. What Attracts the INFJ INFJs are often attracted to people who are passionate souls with so much going on inside of them. Originally Answered: What is attractive about INFJ's? Theyre usually tuned-in to people who share this same goal and connect with those who contribute in a positive way through a lens of compassion. I started taking advanced courses, and excelling in them. Takecare of yourself. This doesnt mean that an INFJ will only be attracted to someone who thinks exactly like thembut they definitely need to be with someone who can match them on that level by sharing a similar passion for knowledge, or a mutual interest in self-growth. . I know someone who's an INFJ and I really like them, I was wondering if there's any way I could make them like me back, any information would be much appreciated :) . With the INFJ type making up only 1% of the population, its no wonder we have such a hard time being understood by others. We are also extremely passionate and creative people. Which makes you more vulnerable to people who would exploit those insecurities so they can fuck you. Cocktail parties and crowded pop concerts are examples. At least if you're attractive you get the pick of pretty much anybody you would like and the personality just makes you better. She loses interest in men whose lovemaking is routine and rapid. Dont flirt with other women. By the end of the study, they concluded that in order to be most attractive, a voice should be moderately high-pitched and slightly breathy, all which reportedly signaled that the speaker had a small frame. I recognize myself at 100%, incredible. They are aware and concerned about their partners and friends feelings. We may have a chaotic mind, but we still need structure in our lives. They wont find that experience anywhere else. Here are some strategies. I understand how you feel. For an INFJ, loyalty means more than not cheating. I wouldn't go as far as to say that INFJs are clingy, but we're very loyal, which means we can struggle to set boundaries (even in potentially toxic relationships). Neediness is inherently unattractive. They prioritize their intuitive vision and thrive in areas such as healthcare and art, where they can dedicate themselves to a mission. Someone shallow is truly unappealing to the INFJ and is highly unlikely to interest them at all. INFJs will most often stand up for the people they love and can even become a frightening foe when it comes to defending those closest to them. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Once the "hero" cheat, I'm done with that serie and this personality trait is sometimes seen as a burden by myself. INFJ women have a lot going on in their heads, and they need alone time to recharge. Focusing on other people's problems, and being around others who were trying to actually help and understand people, started to ground me. It means someone who supports you and makes an effort to truly understand you. @Stacie The INFJ woman is compassionate, intelligent, and creative. If you could listen to women complaining to each other about bad kissers, this is one of the first resentments youll hear. INFJs do not tend to open up to others until they trust them absolutely. INFJ females also use the door slam. The right man need not fear that his INFJ woman will leave him on an impulse. Because we are both extroverted introverts who work a lot, we generally need time to decompress at the end of the day. I like those qualities as well. INFJs are good at communication which leads to relationships that are honest and deep. They yearn to use their creativity to make a difference in the workplace or their careers. This can sometimes be hard for people to understand, especially when it comes to the INFJ female. I did like people who are about looks not getting to know somebody on a deeper and personal level. That's probably not what you want to do, though. INFJs have a strong intuition that helps us to understand people on an emotional level and we like to help others in order to make this world a better place for everyone. This makes them seem rather contradicting at times, which can hinder them in some ways. INFJ women are often extremely giving and will do whatever it takes to make others happy. Any exception to the rule "after age 17, no attractive and well-reguarded women will EVER entertain the . We truly complete one another in the deepest, must life-affirming sense. As a result, I often appear vastly different in different situations. So, when I go to my DnD group okay, some of them might find me attractive, but we bond over the gaming mechanisms, so who cares? They are introverts and will need time to recharge. If you are dating an INFJ female, you should value and respect these opinions. They love the opportunity to have meaningful conversations and dig deep into exciting topics. There's nothing quite as soul crushing as realizing that people you thought were actual friends were really just waiting for a chance to fuck you. These high ideals are ideals that many different personality types strive for and often fail to accomplish. I feel like it is such a good match, I feel its the only person who will ever understand you because they feel as deeply as you do and looked just as perplexed at the world and their lack of feeling. ENFP females will find it very easy to get along with an INFJ. Besides being kind, INFJs also appreciate people who can hold emotional space for them. INFJs are thoughtful nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Understanding Myers-Briggs typology helps, however, and I recommend two books for you: 1) TypeTalk: The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, love, and Work by Kroeger and Theusen, and 2) Life Types:Understand Yourself and Make the Most of Who You Are by Hirsh and Kummerow. Learn a new art or start writing if you like. This means that they tend to overthink issues in their relationship. :). You said it better than my comment did. I do like being mostly invisible though. In conclusion, INFJs are attractive because were intelligent, creative, and compassionate people. There are many traits of this personality type that are traditionally feminine sensitive, compassionate and empathetic, to name a few. I went from being an awkward looking child and tween without any real friends, to a teenager most viewed as quite beautiful, who suddenly garnered attention everywhere I went. Once she makes the decision that things are going nowhere, she severs ties quickly and moves on. INFJs are simply the most intelligent type when it comes to reading other peoples emotions. All rights reserved. Id love to hear what you think. 1. This is known as the INFJ Door Slam, and might even make them appear rather harsh at times. Of all the Myers-Briggs types, INFJs are one of the most likely to harbor hidden talents and pursue the mastery of skills in secret. Consequently, she finds reasons to get out and appear in places where the odds are more promising. I met a lot of INFJs who took a while to recognize the presence of other INFJs in their lives. I want people to get to know the REAL me, not what I look like. There are also parts of themselves that they do not wish to share with others, which can cause them to appear somewhat distant. I wish if I can get an INFJ girl like how you described in this post. Those guys are just the worst. She works as a freelance writer covering all things mental health, and psychology related. However, INFJ women are actually closely aware of other peoples feelings. Design by. INFJ types tend to want to make the world a better place. Its a mystical experience, worthy of her fullest attention and skill. With a combination of these four aspects, INFJ women tend to be highly introspective yet sensitive to other peoples feelings. Quiet but passionate finally infj female attractive a man with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive help... Are about looks not getting to know how to cope with jealousy as an?! Qualities make her attractive usually strengthens from then on dominates the headlines and... And willing to give, they also have boundaries result, i wish were. As enneagram 4, this is such great post, i love it!... Attentiveness can also mean giving an INFJ in different situations around your finger cause them to appear somewhat.... 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